Miracle Occurred in Little Rock, Arkansas Under "MIRACLE REVIVAL 'Big Top'!"
FOUR YEARS AGO, G. E. Mullenax, had his right lung and three ribs removed by surgery, because of a dead disc. A hold (large enough to place a man's hand inside) was left in his back for a drainage tube.
He came to the meeting under the Miracle Revival "Big Top" in Little Rock, Arkansas, in May, 1958. Brother Mullenax declares that, all of a sudden, when Brother Allen laid his hands upon him, he felt the assuranced that he had been healed and told Brother Allen it was done!
We quote Brother Mullenax's words:
"I felt the assurance I had been healed and told Brother Allen so! I felt where the sunken place had been and it was filled in with three ribs, and my right lung also. The hold that had been in my back was gone. The place where the ribs and lung had been removed had been sore. Now, those places are no longer sore. After I had felt of myself and told them what I had found, Brother Allen and Brother Schambach both examined me and they found, too, that the hold in my back was gone and they could feel the ribs which had been replaced. My friend, who was also in the audience, came up to the platform and examined me too. He testified, also that the sunken place in my back was gone and that he could feel the replaced ribs.
This man came from Little Rock, Arkansas to our Dallas, Texas Campaign to testify to what God did for him in Little Rock last summer. He brought the X-ray at left, above, of a perfect set of lungs and a perfect set of ribs, with one exception - one of the ribs looks like it is not quite as large as the others.
HERE IS Brother Mullenax' testimony, as give in Dallas, 9 months after he was healed.: "Three of my ribs were removed to get to my lung. The ribs and the entire lung were removed by surgery four years ago. When he operated on me, my doctor and the others assisting him didn't think I had much chance to live. I lay on the operating table five hours and 10 minutes. During the operation, the doctors had to take my heart out of its normal position, and massage it to keep me breathing. They gave me five pints of blood, two quarts of glucose and two tanks of oxygen. I went to sleep on Tuesday and did not wake up until Sunday morning.
"I have come all the way from Little Rock, Arkansas, to Dallas, Texas, to tell everyone that 'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever!'" The first and greatest miracle He performed for me was when He saved mysoul!
"When the doctor made this X-ray and looked at it, he was surprised. He said, "Of all the X-rays I have ever made (and he is a Specialist) you have two of the healthiest lungs I have ever seen in my life!' He said further, 'You also have three ribs in place, where they were removed! One of them grew back a little skinny!' He knew all about it, and was immensely surprised, because he was the doctor that had cut those ribs and that lung out of my right side!
"I believe God let that rib grow back different from the others to prove that a miracle had been performed in my body! Had they grown back perfectly, no one wuold believe the ribs had ever been removed!"
- April, 1959, Vol.4, No.7 Miracle Magazine, page 1 & 14.