Pictured above is Rev. A. A. Allen
For many months God dealt with my spirit about the need for a place where young men and women, called of God, eager to be about the Father's business, could go for a short, efficient training course to prepart them to carry the gospel with signs following to the ends of the earth.
I envisioned a place where young people might come for a spiritual impact that would change their lives and build them into better men and women for God.
Not a place where years would be spent in learning to preach deep sermons, so beautifully wrapped in big words that the common folk cold never understand them. Jesus said, "Feed my sheep," not, "Feed my giraffes!"
Not a "cooling room," where the ardor of young souls, burning with the fresh zeal of their new found salvation, would be dampened down from burning zeal to cold knowledge alone.
Rather, a place of inspiration where knowledge would be added to zeal, while the zeal is kept aglow. A place of drawing nigh to God, to hear His voice, where individual need is considered, and whatever is lacking in the individual supplied.
In our day God will do a quick work. He will do it by signs, wonders, and miracles. He will demonstrate to unbelievers everywhere that He is, indeed, the living God, the ever-present Great I Am!
MIRACLE VALLEY BIBLE COLLEGE, chosen, given, and ordained of God, nestled in a lovely valley bordered by two mountain ranges, between Bisbee and Fort Huachuca, Arizona, will have its part in that quick work. God has spoken it through prophecy, and confirmed it by miracle after miracle.
Already - and the school is only a few years old - recruits trained at Miracle Valley have gone forth, filled with zeal and with the Holy Spirit, into many lands, carrying the gospel of deliverance confirmed with signs following.
- Rev. A. A. Allen
Miracle Valley, AZ